Merry & Ilona's Commentary on Working Out and a Bunch of Other Random Things

Merry met workout guru, Ilona Maj, after answering an ad for personal fitness training on the Chicago Craigslist. After serendipitous discoveries that Ilona began her fitness career a mere few years ago in the same apartment gym that Merry currently resides in, that the duo are the same age, they both like cats, and not to mention have a blast working out together, it soon became apparent that their destiny involved this blog about the hilarious things that come up during their workout sessions. Over the next few months, be prepared to read about men, spies, crazy families, all things Arlington Heights, a fantasy escape to San Diego, and, of course, excellent tips on working out from the perspectives of both a NPC Figure Competitor and a working professional.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Men and lady farts in Turkey

Yes, we do have a blast at each and every workout but why????? Well Merry is definitely something else! Not only is Merry a usually late client but an entertainer! I have learned this: Merry almost loves men as much as they love her, Merry likes to go to Germany to meet strange men, strange men ditch Merry in countries such as Turkey:) ......maybe because she is a vegetarian? We will never know. So after laughing like heyinas last night another funny thing happened. A fellow trainer and his lady client joined in on our fun and suddenly the "client" farted very loudly! HILARIOUS! Although this has happened numerous of times while I was training a client(And NO it wasn't me)this time it was very different. All 4 of us actually acknowledged the fart!....And spoke about it like it was a god blessed sneeze!

And Merry STOP asking me if our workouts count as part of your weekly 2.5 hours of cardio-YOU HAVE TO DO THAT ON YOUR OWN!!!

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