Merry & Ilona's Commentary on Working Out and a Bunch of Other Random Things

Merry met workout guru, Ilona Maj, after answering an ad for personal fitness training on the Chicago Craigslist. After serendipitous discoveries that Ilona began her fitness career a mere few years ago in the same apartment gym that Merry currently resides in, that the duo are the same age, they both like cats, and not to mention have a blast working out together, it soon became apparent that their destiny involved this blog about the hilarious things that come up during their workout sessions. Over the next few months, be prepared to read about men, spies, crazy families, all things Arlington Heights, a fantasy escape to San Diego, and, of course, excellent tips on working out from the perspectives of both a NPC Figure Competitor and a working professional.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Should I stay in Arlington Heights?, By Merry

Today I got in 45 minutes of elliptical at my building's gym. I'm really thankful that I live in a place that has a gym and that working out for me is as easy as walking downstairs and getting my sorry ass on a treadmill. My lease here is up in March and I'm on the fence as to whether or not I should renew. The negative about this building is that the rent is a bit high and the elevators are always breaking, but the positives are that it is right next to the Metra train station AND there is this gym right in the building. What I'm wondering is, is easy access to a gym one of the contributing factors to my fitness success in the next year and if so, what is that worth? Is it worth paying a lot more in rent?


  1. Unbelievable, but I am struggling with a very similar dilemma today. P asked are we going to renew our lease or not, and all of a sudden I got all excited with the 'not' option. Rest of my work day was quickly consumed my the fantasy of P, Mina and I living in an awesome house in U, that is both pet and storage space friendly..
    So exciting and risky, because you know how much I like my present apartment..
    As for you, you should probably stay because the gym convenience; the difference in rent is probably worth paying for gym and mental power to drag yourself there. It all depends what you feel about the present apartment..

  2. Hihi
    and I made a blog just so I can post comments here. I didn't figure out a different way.
