Merry & Ilona's Commentary on Working Out and a Bunch of Other Random Things

Merry met workout guru, Ilona Maj, after answering an ad for personal fitness training on the Chicago Craigslist. After serendipitous discoveries that Ilona began her fitness career a mere few years ago in the same apartment gym that Merry currently resides in, that the duo are the same age, they both like cats, and not to mention have a blast working out together, it soon became apparent that their destiny involved this blog about the hilarious things that come up during their workout sessions. Over the next few months, be prepared to read about men, spies, crazy families, all things Arlington Heights, a fantasy escape to San Diego, and, of course, excellent tips on working out from the perspectives of both a NPC Figure Competitor and a working professional.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Men who don't work out with you...., By Merry

Today I was bad with my food intake. I ate two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a cookie, and a pear during the day and a salad for dinner. I need to go grocery shopping soon, otherwise you'll be reading posts about how I had olives and mustard for dinner. Not cool. On to other news, Mr. J, and I had plans tonight. I knew I had to get my workout in, so I told him to bring some workout clothes with him so we can workout together. He did not like this idea. So he told me we can hang out after I worked out. Boo. After work I came home and frantically cleaned my house, and after that ordeal, I was left with fifteen minutes to work out, but work out I did! I did some treadmill action and then did some jumping jacks. My legs and back are sore from all those kicks I did yesterday. The good news is all this soreness pays off - I definitely feel sexier and more confident. Anyway, about the men who won't work out with you? I'll keep you posted on where this goes.

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